We are dedicated to making METALCON 2021 the safest event you attend all year.
As we plan to bring the Metal Construction Industry back together for the first time in two years, the health and safety of our attendees, exhibitors, speakers, sponsors, partners and staff is, and will remain, our top priority.
We are continuously monitoring the COVID-19 situation and we are working closely with the city of Tampa and the Tampa Convention Center to implement and follow best practices and recommendations from public health officials, as well as national, state, regional, and local authorities including the CDC. Currently, the CDC recommendations include wearing a mask at all times, regardless of vaccination status, especially in large gatherings, being vaccinated, social distancing, and regular hand washing.
Our Health and Safety Standards, as well as those of our partnering venues are posted on our web site. We promise to continue to keep you informed as we get closer to METALCON so be sure to check this page regularly. We are confident that with your support and these safety measures in place, we can all meet safely in Tampa for a fantastic event.
We can’t wait to host you in Tampa this October!
Best Regards, Your METALCON Team
Send us your metal! Last call to submit your best, coolest, most interesting and inspiring projects that feature metal in the interior or exterior design to be entered in METALCON’s NEW Metal in Architecture Gallery and Contest. Enter by September 1 for a chance to be featured in the gallery at METALCON and for a chance to win the $1000 grand prize!
The nominations are in and now it’s time for YOU to cast your vote! Please select your favorite top products, nominated by exhibitors in a variety of categories including accessories, alternative energy, insulation/weather barriers, roll forming equipment, roofs, technology, and walls. It will take less than 5 minutes to make sure your voice is heard.
Winners will be announced on September 7, and the top products will be showcased at the winning exhibitors' booths on-site in at METALCON in Tampa.
METALCON and Breakthrough Academy continue its Metal Business Academy (MBA) with “Structuring Your Company for Maximum Productivity” on September 1. Creating an aligned and defined organizational structure is a key component of running a profitable and scalable business. This workshop will provide you with the basic tools and templates to create a proven framework for creating defined job descriptions that will allow everyone in your organization to operate with a clear goal and accountability to their supervisor. This is the fourth of this six course academy with the final two scheduled LIVE at METALCON in Tampa in October. Take all six courses and receive your diploma at the show along with earning 1 FREE AIA LU for each course. Click HERE to take past courses.
Hunger is a challenge that does not discriminate. METALCON continues its annual tradition of supporting the local community where the show takes place. This year, we are partnering with Feeding Tampa Bay, who are part of the national Feeding America network and focused on providing food to over 1 million food insecure families in the 10-county area of West Central Florida. For over 20 years since the "Give Back" program began in 1995, METALCON has proudly donated upwards of a half a million dollars in goods, services and/or funds to non-profit organizations and worthy causes serving local host communities.
Fundraising has already begun! You can donate online or on-site at METALCON. All donations (minimum $20) will be entered into our daily raffle drawing for a chance to win some amazing prizes (must be at the show to win).
We are making your arrival into Tampa as easy and inviting as possible with our exclusive discount with Blue One Transportation. Blue One is offering METALCON attendees an exclusive 50% discount off their regular rates. For a ride from the airport to your hotel or convention center or while you are in town, call on Blue One for all of your transportation needs. To obtain this exclusive discount, click this LINK.
Globetrotter Travel, METALCON’s ONLY housing company is offering the most competitive hotel pricing for METALCON 2021 in Tampa. Select from four major hotel brands, all located within walking distance from the convention center.
Presto Tape is a Premier USA Manufacturer of metal protection films. Presto Metal Protection Films are used for all types of rolled and flat stocks. This includes steel, aluminum, architectural windows, metal roofing & railings.
Get METALCONnected! Follow our blog to stay connected with the metal construction and design industry and for information on METALCON in Tampa 2021! Watch METALCONLive! on-demand, visit metalcon.com and follow us on our social platforms!